Can you hatch enough to fill your city and get the golden egg? Play games in the app between you, your Furby and your virtual Furblings such as Furball, the Furbish version of soccer! Between taking care of your Furby Boom and raising virtual Furblings, the Furbish fun goes on and on!MORE ABOUT THE FURBY BOOM PRODUCT:The Furby population is expanding big time with Furby Boom! Unlock the virtual Furby world with the free Furby Boom app, where a new generation is hatching. As you collect and hatch Furblings eggs, your digital Furby Boom city fills up with virtual Furblings. Get eggs by taking care of your Furby Boom, getting them from friends with a Furby Boom, or even by finding them (see for all the ways to collect eggs). That's when you get your first Furby Furblings egg!Furby Boom can hatch 50-plus virtual Furblings eggs. Does Furby need to freshen up? Use the Furby Boom app to give Furby a shower! When you take care of your Furby Boom, Furby Boom becomes ready to take care of something too. Is Furby hungry? Pick out something tasty for Furby from the pantry. Time for a health check? Try x-raying Furby. Keep tabs on the health, hunger and cleanliness levels of Furby Boom and use the app's features to tend to those needs. Next, you'll need to keep track of what Furby needs using the app's monitor. Your Furby has an evolved memory so it will remember its own name and the names of Furby Boom friends it meets. First, your Furby Boom will need a name, which you pick out. FURBY BOOM APP FEATURES:When you play with Furby Boom using the free Furby Boom app, you unlock the complete game experience.

It can be fixed by taking out the fur, removing the old speaker and replacing it with a new one, from a local electronics store. One other problem that I encountered, when changing the little motor, take care that the small plastic piece on top of the old motor, is changed and placed on the new one on the exact position, otherwise it can make the furby vibrate, just pull the little piece up or down untill the vibration dissapears.Īnother problem that I found is loosing sound from a toy, It's probably the broken speaker. It was not easy to change it, but thanks to the pictures above, I finnaly fixed it. I replaced it whith an identical one that I took from an old cd-rom/dvd-rom computer, the one that opens and closes the tray door. It was the little motor that controlled the movement. You might as well put the batteries back in so it can talk to you in this skinned state. You are now left with this fascinating sight of a Furby without fur. There are two more clips at the top above the face.Ĭlips at top of face, clips/ring for ears shown. Again with the screwdriver to pry the locking tabs out of the way, slide out the clips. The fur is clipped in two spots at each side of the face. Remove two white plastic covers that go over the ear nubs (shown below).Įar nubs, white ear cover things. The right top clip can sort of slide out in front of the ear if that's easier.
Now, insert screw driver and remove the ear clips. One ear of the furby popped right off, the other took more work and came off in two pieces, the actual ear first, which came loose from a glued-in retaining clip (still attached, below).Įar pulled loose from retaining mechanism

Remove ear clip with screwdriver in small slot